All Monkey Pokemon From Every Generation

Pokemon fans, rejoice! We’ve created a comprehensive guide to all the monkey Pokemon that have appeared in every generation of the franchise. Whether you’re a fan of the original series or a recent convert, this list is sure to have something for everyone. From the adorable Chimchar to the majestic Primeape, each monkey Pokemon has its own unique traits and abilities that make them stand out from other Pokemon. Read on to learn all about these iconic creatures and find out which ones are your favorites!
Mankey – Pig Monkey Pokemon
Mankey is a small, human-like Pokémon that is primarily brown. It has a short snout with a black nose, beady eyes, and rounded ears. There are three tufts of black hair on its head, and it has a long tail.
Mankey is an angry Pokémon that is always ready to fight. It will become enraged if someone tries to steal its food, and it will not hesitate to attack anyone it perceives as a threat. Mankey is also very quick to anger if it is disturbed while sleeping or eating. When Mankey grows angry, its blood vessels bulge and its hair stands on end.
Mankey can be found in forests and mountains. It is also known to live in cities, where it often causes trouble by stealing things or getting into fights.
Primeape – Evolves From Mankey
Primeape is a Fighting-type Pokémon that evolves from Mankey starting at level 28. Primeape is a small, brown, simian Pokémon with a white face, red eyes, and a long tail. Its forearms are much longer than its hind legs, giving it a hunched appearance. It has three brown tufts of hair on its head, and its tail ends in a black “Y” shape. On its back are two dark brown stripes. Primeape is an ill-tempered Pokémon that always wants to fight. Even if it loses the battle, it will not give up until it has revenge on its opponent. When angry, this Pokémon clenches its fists and becomes more aggressive than ever before. However, when calm, it can use psychic powers to detect incoming enemies and predict their movements.
Aipom – Simian Pokemon
Aipom is a monkey Pokémon that first appeared in the Sinnoh region. It is a Normal-type Pokémon that evolves into Ambipom when exposed to a Sinnoh stone. Aipom is a small, furry Pokémon with a red body and a blue tail. It has two round ears, black eyes, and a pink nose. On its back are two brownish-red hands, which it uses to swing from tree to tree. It also has long hair on its head, which it can use to grab objects or swing from branches.
Aipom is an agile Pokémon that is known for its quick movements and for being able to grab things with its tail. It is also known to be very playful, and will often steal things from people or other Pokémon. Aipom is native to the Sinnoh region, where it can be found living in forests or swinging from trees.
Ambipom – Evolves from Aipom

Ambipom is the final evolution of Aipom, a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Ambipom evolves from Aipom starting at level 32. It is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon.
Ambipom has a monkey-like appearance. It is primarily yellow with a black stripe running down its back. It has two tails that are each tipped with a red sphere. These spheres are used to store and release energy for Ambipom’s attacks. It has blue eyes and large ears with red insides.
Ambipom is a very agile Pokémon. It uses its tails to swing from tree to tree in the forest. It also uses its tails to swat away opponents and grab items during battle.
So there you have it, all of the Monkey Pokémon from every generation!
Slaking – Lazy Pokemon

Slaking is a Normal type Pokémon that made its first appearance in the third generation of Pokémon games. It is considered to be the evolution of Vigoroth and the final form of Slakoth. Slaking is unique among Normal type Pokémon in that it has the ability Truant, which prevents it from taking consecutive turns. As a result, this makes Slaking appear lazy, as it will often lay down and do nothing except eat grass.
Despite its seeming laziness, Slaking is actually a very powerful Pokémon. Its massive size and strength allow it to take down most foes with ease. In addition, Slaking has access to a number of powerful moves, such as Giga Impact and Earthquake. Trainers who are able to overcome its laziness will find themselves with a loyal and powerful ally.
Chimchar – Chimp Pokemon

Chimchar is a chimp-like pokemon that first appeared in Generation IV. It is a Fire type pokemon, and is one of the three starters that players can choose from in the Sinnoh region. Chimchar has a monkey-like head with red fur, and its body is primarily orange. It has two tufts of red fur on its back, and a small tail.
Chimchar is known for its high speed and agility, making it a difficult pokemon to hit. It also has the ability to breathe fire, making it a dangerous opponent in battle. Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 14, and then into Infernape at level 36.
Monferno – Evolves From Chimchar

Monferno is the Fire and Fighting-type Pokémon that evolves from Chimchar starting at level 14. It is the final form of Infernape. Monferno is a small, bipedal, simian Pokémon with some features resembling a monkey. Its fur is mostly black with an orange band around its stomach and a flame pattern on its lower back and tail. It has large hands and feet with opposable thumbs, tufts of black hair on its head, bright red eyes, and three toes on each foot. There are wisps of fire constantly burning atop its head.
As evidenced by the fire burning on its head, Monferno is very hot-headed. When it gets angry, it will try to burn everything around it with impunity. However, it is also very intelligent, able to understand human speech and mimic words and actions. This makes Monferno a very versatile Pokémon, capable of learning a wide variety of moves. In battle, Monferno uses a combination of punches and kicks enhanced by fire to take down opponents.
Monferno first appeared in the fourth Pokémon movie alongside Ash’s Pikachu as one of Dawn’s starter Pokémon.
Infernape – Evolves From Monferno

Infernape is a Fire/Fighting-type Pokémon that evolves from Monferno at level 36. It is the final form of Chimchar.
Infernape has a black face with red markings on its cheeks and a red nose. There are three red horns on its head: one on its forehead and two above its eyes. Its lower jaw is also red. It has bright green eyes. Its body is covered in reddish-orange fur, which turns yellowish-orange on its thighs and lower legs. There are small flames on the tips of its tails and mane, as well as on top of its head. It has two thin arms with three fingers each, and two muscular legs with paws instead of feet. Each paw has a flame mark in the center.
Infernape is able to utilize fire and fighting-type moves interchangeably, giving it an edge in battle. It is incredibly agile, able to leap great distances and run up walls. When Infernape becomes angry, the flames on its body burn more intensely.
Pansage – Grass Monkey Pokemon

Pansage is a Grass-type Pokémon that first appeared in the Pokémon series in Generation V. It is a small, monkey-like Pokémon that is primarily yellow in coloration with a brown back. Pansage has a small tuft of leaves on its head, and it has a single tooth protruding from its mouth. Pansage can be found in grassy areas, and it uses its tail to collect fruit from trees. When Pansage eats a leaf, it will sometimes leave behind a black mark on the ground.
Pansage is known to be friendly and gentle, but it can also be very mischievous. It has been known to steal food from humans, and it is also fond of playing pranks on people. Pansage is able to stand on its hind legs, and it is an proficient climber. In the anime, Ash Ketchum’s friend Cilan owns a Pansage that he caught in the wild.
Simisage – Evolves From Pansage

Simisage is the final evolution of Pansage, one of the three starter Pokémon in Pokémon Black and White. Simisage is a Normal/Grass type Pokémon, and is known as the Aipom Evolution Pokémon.
Simisage evolves from Pansage at level 32. It is a simian-like Pokémon, with a yellow body, red eyes, and a tail that ends in a green leafy tuft. Simisage has two small horns on its head, and its hands and feet each have three fingers.
Simisage is a very agile Pokémon, able to climb trees effortlessly and leap great distances. It uses its tail to collect fruit from trees, which it then crushes with its powerful hands to make a tasty treat. Simisage is also known to use its tail as a whip in battle.
Despite its small size, Simisage is a very powerful Pokémon. It has been known to take down much larger opponents with ease. If you’re lucky enough to have a Simisage on your team, you’re sure to be victorious in any battle!
Panpour – Spray Pokemon

Panpour is a small, blue monkey-like Pokémon. It has a white belly and a blue head with a red spot on its forehead. It has black hands and feet, and a long tail.
Panpour is very intelligent, and can often be found spraying water from its mouth. It uses this water to cool itself down, as well as to intimidate foes. Panpour is also known to be quite playful, often spraying water on others for fun.
Despite its small size, Panpour is actually quite strong. It can use its tail to swing through the trees, and its powerful legs allow it to jump great distances. When it comes to battle, Panpour is not afraid to take on larger opponents.
If you’re looking for a tough and intelligent Monkey Pokémon, then Panpour is the perfect choice!

Of all the monkeys in the Pokémon world, Simipour is easily the most unique. It’s the only one of its kind that doesn’t have a pre-evolution, meaning it must have been born this way. It’s also the largest monkey Pokémon, standing at nearly three feet tall.
Simipour is a mostly blue monkey with a white face and chest. It has a long tail that it uses for balance, and its hands and feet are both webbed. This allows Simipour to swim powerfully through water, which is how it primarily travels. In fact, it’s said that Simipour can swim as fast as some Water-type Pokémon!
Simipour’s main method of attack is using water to douse its opponents and then shocking them with an electric discharge. It can also fire off powerful blasts of water from its mouth. When swimming, Simipour leaves behind a trail of bubbles that can be used to track it.
Pansear – High Temp Pokemon

All Monkey Pokemon From Every Generation
Pansear is a Fire-type monkey Pokémon that evolves into Simisear. It was first introduced in the fifth generation of Pokémon games, Pokémon Black and White.
As a Fire-type, Pansear is able to use a variety of fire-based attacks, such as Ember and Flamethrower. Its fiery nature also allows it to have a high tolerance for heat, meaning it can live in hot environments that would be uninhabitable for most other Pokémon.
Despite its small size, Pansear is a surprisingly powerful Pokémon. In the right hands, it can be a formidable opponent in battle.
Simisear – Evolves From Pansear

Simisear is a Fire-type Pokemon that evolves from Pansear. It is the final evolution of Darumaka. Simisear has a red body with a cream-colored face, belly, and tail. Its head is round with small, pointed ears and black eyes. There are three tufts of fire on its back, and its tail is zigzagged with a black tip. It has small, stubby feet with two toes each.
Simisear is very adept at using fire in battle. It can create powerful blasts of flame and can control them well enough to keep opponents at bay. Simisear also have good stamina, allowing them to keep going even when taking hits. When it gets angry, it will attack indiscriminately and will not stop until its target is defeated or it runs out of energy.
Darmanitan – Blazing Pokemon

Darmanitan is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is the final evolution of Darumaka and is also known as the ‘Blazing Pokémon’. Darmanitan has two different forms – Standard and Zen. In its Standard form, Darmanitan is a red, monkey-like Pokémon with a white belly. It has black stripes on its arms and legs, and a black tuft of hair on its head. Its eyes are yellow with red pupils, and it has a small black nose. Its most notable feature is its large mouth, which is always open to reveal its sharp teeth. Darmanitan’s Zen form is only accessible when it holds a Rage Candy Bar. In this form, Darmanitan’s body becomes white and it gains blue flames around its hands, feet, and tail.
Darmanitan is a very powerful Pokémon, capable oflearningsome of the strongest Fire-type moves in the game. It also has access to some powerful psychic-type moves, making it a very versatile fighter. When in its Standard form, Darmanitan has the ability ‘Sheer Force’, which increases the power of moves that have secondary effects by 30%, but removes those effects. When in its Zen form, Darmanitan’s ability changes to ‘Zen Mode’, which causes it to take on a more feral appearance and become stronger, but also more erratic.
Despite its great power, Darmanitan is not without flaws. Its primary
Grookey – Chimp Pokemon

Grookey is the Grass-type chimp Pokémon that made its first appearance in Pokémon Sword and Shield. This little guy is full of energy, using its stick to drum on things as it goes about its day. When it becomes agitated, the leaves on its head stand up straight, and it can release a powerful shockwave from them. Grookey is known to be very good at cleaning up messes, and will often tidy up after its trainer.
Thwackey – Evolves From Grookey

Thwackey is the Grass type evolution of Grookey, the first stage in the Sword and Shield Monkey trio. Thwackey is a small, chimp-like Pokémon with brown fur and a long tail. It has large, blue eyes and its mouth is always open, revealing its sharp teeth. Its hands and feet each have three digits, and it has two dark brown stripes running down its back. On its head are two curved horns, and there is a dark brown patch on its belly.
When Thwackey evolves from Grookey, it becomes much more aggressive and playful. It will often swing on vines and play games with other Pokémon. However, it can also be quite mischievous, and has been known to steal food from other Pokémon. Thwackey is very protective of its territory, and will attack anything that enters it.
Rillaboom – Evolves From Thwackey

Rillaboom is a Grass-type Pokémon that evolves from Thwackey starting at level 35. It is the final form of Grookey. Rillaboom is a simian Pokémon with a primarily tan body. It has dark brown fur on its head and tail, both of which are long and shaggy. There are three large leaves on its back, and it has green eyes with yellow sclerae. It has long, black hands with two fingers each, and its feet are black as well. It can pound things with the sticks it holds in its hands. When it plays its drums, the beat can be heard across the entire forest.”
Zarude – Rogue Monkey Pokemon

Zarude is a dual-type Dark/Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Zarude is a simian Pokémon with both plant and animal characteristics. Its body is covered in dark brown fur, and it has a reddish face with almond-shaped eyes. There are three thin lines on each side of its head, and its ears are black on the inside and red on the tips. It has long, sharp claws on its feet and hands. There are two long leaves sprouting from its back, and it has a short tail.
Zarude lives in dense forests and is very aggressive. It swings through the trees to move around, and attacks anything that enters its territory. It is especially vicious towards humans. Zarude also has the ability to create vines from its wrists which it uses to bind opponents or swing from tree to tree.
Oranguru – Sage Pokemon

Oranguru is one of the newest members of the monkey Pokemon family, having been introduced in Generation VII. This sage Pokemon is a dual-type Normal/Psychic type and has some unique abilities that make it a formidable opponent in battle. For example, its Inner Focus ability allows it to resist flinching from moves, while its Telepathy ability lets it avoid being damaged by attacks from teammates.
Passimian – Teamwork Pokemon

Passimian is a Pokemon that excels at teamwork. Its team-based abilities make it a perfect partner for any trainer looking to take on the Elite Four. Passimian is also proficient in acrobatic moves, making it a tough opponent in one-on-one battles.
Monkeys have been some of the cutest and fan favorite Pokemon in every generation. From Mankey, Aipom, to Simisear there are a variety of monkey-like Pokemon that add life and fun to the game. Whether you’re looking for a new addition to your team or just an adorable companion, these Monkey pokemon offer something unique for each trainer. So what are you waiting for? Start searching through all these monkey pokemons and pick up your own simian partner today!