Best Sword Enchantments Minecraft, Ranked

If Minecraft players want to improve their swords, they should know about the best sword enchantments in Minecraft.
In Minecraft, the sword is the most potent weapon. Unlike a pen, which is unavailable in the game, the sword is essential for fighting enemies. Since players will face many hostile creatures during their adventures, enhancing the blade with the best enchantments is essential. Even if these enchantments are rare, it is worth investing in them to make the sword as strong as possible.
Minecraft has different enchantments for swords and varying levels of usefulness. Some enchantments make the player deal more damage, whereas others help get more loot. The best sword enchantments in Minecraft can be received from various sources.
9. Bane Of Arthropods 5: Minecraft best sword enchantments
Bane of Arthropods 5 is the highest level of the Bane of Arthropods enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the damage dealt to arthropod mobs by 2.5 points per level for 12.5 points of additional damage. It also applies the Slowness effect to arthropod mobs for 4.5 seconds per level, for a maximum of 3.5 seconds.
Bane of Arthropods 5 can be applied to swords and axes. It is incompatible with the Sharpness and Smite enchantments.
To get Bane of Arthropods 5, you can enchant a sword or axe at an enchanting table, anvil, or using a game command. The chance of getting Bane of Arthropods 5 at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting a sword or axe with Bane of Arthropods 5 at an anvil is 30 levels.
Smite 5
Smite 5 is the highest level of Smite enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the damage dealt to undead mobs by 2.5 points per level, for a total of 12.5 points of additional damage.
Smite 5 can be applied to swords and axes. It is incompatible with the Bane of Arthropods and Sharpness enchantments.
To get Smite 5, you can enchant a sword or axe at an enchanting table or anvil, or using a game command. The chance of getting Smite 5 at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting a sword or axe with Smite 5 at an anvil is 30 levels.
Smite 5 is one of the best sword enchantments in Minecraft for players who frequently fight undead mobs. It can make killing skeletons, zombies, withers, and other undead mobs easier. However, it is essential to note that Smite 5 is not as powerful as Sharpness, which can increase damage to all mobs.
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Knockback 2
Knockback 2 is the highest level of the Knockback enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the knockback dealt when attacking a player or mob by 190%, compared to the base knockback of a sword. This means that when you shoot a mob with a Knockback 2 sword, it will be knocked back much further than with a sword without enchantment.
The Knockback enchantment can be applied to swords but not other weapons. It is incompatible with the enchantments of Fire Aspect, Looting, and Sweeping Edge.
To get Knockback 2, you can enchant a sword at an enchanting table, anvil, or a game command. The chance of getting Knockback 2 at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting a sword with Knockback 2 at an anvil is 30 levels.
Knockback 2 is a useful and the best sword enchantments Minecraft for players who want to keep mobs at a distance. It can be mainly useful for fighting creepers, as it can knock them back far enough that they cannot explode.
Mending is Minecraft best sword enchantments that allows you to repair your items using experience orbs. It is one of the most potent enchantments in the game, and it can be a lifesaver if you have many valuable things you need to keep in good condition.
To get the Mending enchantment, you can find it in chests, trade with a librarian villager, or fish for it. Once you have the magic, apply it to any durable item, such as tools, weapons, armour, and fishing rods.
When an item with Mending is equipped, it will automatically repair itself whenever you collect experience orbs. The fixed amount of durability equals two experience orbs per durability point. For example, if you have a pickaxe with 100 durability and you collect 10 experience orbs, the pickaxe will be repaired by 20 durability points.
Mending is a potent enchantment, but it is also very rare. Use it on your most valuable items if you are lucky enough to find it.
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Fire Aspect 2
Fire Aspect 2 is the highest level of the Fire Aspect enchantment in Minecraft. It sets the target on fire when you attack. Using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command, you can add the Fire Aspect enchantment to any sword.
The Fire Aspect enchantment has two levels: Fire Aspect I and Fire Aspect II. Fire Aspect I sets the target on fire for 4 seconds, while Fire Aspect II sets the target on fire for 8 seconds.
The Fire Aspect enchantment is a powerful enchantment that can be useful for both PvE and PvP. In PvE, it can help you to kill mobs more quickly, as they will be taking damage from the fire and your sword. In PvP, it can be used to set your opponents on fire, which can distract them and give you an advantage.
Sweeping Edge 3
Sweeping Edge 3 is the highest level of the Sweeping Edge enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the damage of a sweep attack by 75% of the sword’s attack damage. Sweeping Edge can only be applied to swords, which is incompatible with the Fire Aspect, Looting, and Knockback enchantments.
Sweeping Edge works by increasing the damage of a sweep attack. A sweeping attack is performed when you swing your sword while sprinting. When you complete a sweep attack, you will deal damage to all mobs within a 1 by 0.25 by 1 block area of any part of the attacked mob and whose feet are 3 or fewer blocks away from the player’s feet. The damage dealt to each mob is equal to 75% of the sword’s attack damage.
The Sweeping Edge enchantment has three levels: I, II, and III. The damage dealt to mobs by a sweep attack increases with the enchantment level. Sweeping Edge I deals 50% of the sword’s attack damage, Sweeping Edge II deals 67%, and Sweeping Edge III deals 75% of the damage.
Sweeping Edge is a powerful and one of the best sword enchantments Minecraft that can be useful for both PvE and PvP. In PvE, it can help you kill mobs more quickly, as you can damage multiple mobs at once. In PvP, it can be used to clear out groups of enemies.
Unbreaking 3
Unbreaking III is the highest level of the Unbreaking enchantment in Minecraft. It decreases the chance of an item losing durability when it is used. The chance of an item losing durability is reduced by 25% for each level of Unbreaking. This means that an item with Unbreaking III has a 75% chance of not losing durability when it is used.
The Unbreaking enchantment can be applied to any tool, weapon, or piece of armour. It is incompatible with the Mending enchantment.
To get Unbreaking III, you can enchant an item at an enchanting table, anvil, or a game command. The chance of getting Unbreaking III at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting an item with Unbreaking III at an anvil is 30 levels.
Unbreaking III is a valuable enchantment for any item you use frequently. It can help you save many materials, as you will not have to repair your items as often.
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Looting 3
Looting 3 is the highest level of Looting enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the chance of rare drops from mobs. The opportunity of a rare drop is increased by 1% for each level of Looting. This means a Looting 3 sword has a 3% chance of getting a rare drop from a mob.
The Looting enchantment can only be applied to swords. It is incompatible with the Fire Aspect, Knockback, and Sweeping Edge enchantments.
To get Looting 3, you can enchant a sword at an enchanting table, anvil, or a game command. The chance of getting Looting 3 at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting a sword with Looting 3 at an anvil is 30 levels.
Looting 3 is a very useful enchantment for players who want to get more rare drops from mobs. It can benefit players trying to get specific items, such as mob heads or enchanted books.
Sharpness 5
Sharpness 5 is the highest level of Sharpness enchantment in Minecraft. It increases the damage dealt by a sword by 2.5 points per level for 12.5 points of additional damage.
The Sharpness enchantment can be applied to swords, axes, and tridents. It is incompatible with the Bane of Arthropods and Smite enchantments.
To get Sharpness 5, one of the Minecraft best sword enchantments, you can enchant a sword, axe, or trident at an enchanting table, anvil or using a game command. The chance of getting Sharpness 5 at an enchanting table is 1%. The cost of enchanting a sword, axe, or trident with Sharpness 5 at an anvil is 30 levels.
Sharpness 5 is a powerful enchantment that can make your sword or axe much more effective in combat. It can benefit players fighting difficult mobs like the Wither or the Ender Dragon.
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