Crucible Of Storms Guide To Ace The Race

Welcome to our Crucible of Storms guide raid in World of Warcraft! If you’re a seasoned raider or just starting out, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to conquer the challenges that await you in this raid.
Crucible of Storms is a small, two-boss raid located in Stormsong Valley, Kul Tiras. It was added to the game in patch 8.1.5 and is designed for groups of 10-30 players on Normal and Heroic difficulty, and 20 players on Mythic difficulty.
The story of The Crucible of Storms guide revolves around the Old God N’Zoth, who is attempting to break free from his prison beneath the ocean. The raid takes place in the Shrine of the Storm, an ancient temple built by the sea giants to honor the storm god, and is filled with twisted creatures corrupted by N’Zoth’s influence.
In this guide, we’ll take a detailed look at each boss encounter, including their abilities, mechanics, and strategies for success. We’ll also provide tips on gearing up and preparing for the raid, as well as information on the rewards you can earn.
Whether you’re a seasoned raider looking for an exciting challenge or a casual player interested in experiencing the story, our Crucible of Storms guide has everything you need to succeed. So gear up, grab your friends, and prepare to face the forces of N’Zoth in the ultimate test of skill and courage!
Location of Crucible of Storms
The Crucible of Storms raid is located in the Shrine of the Storm, which is a dungeon located in the Stormsong Valley zone of Kul Tiras in World of Warcraft. The Shrine of the Storm is situated on an island off the coast of the mainland, and can be accessed by using a boat from the Alliance town of Boralus, or by using the flight path to the nearby Brennadam outpost. Once you arrive at the island, the entrance to the raid can be found by navigating through the temple’s ruins and descending into the underground chamber where the raid takes place.
Restless Cabal: Strategy
Restless Cabal is the first boss encounter in the Crucible of Storms raid, and it consists of two bosses – Zaxasj the Speaker and Fa’thuul the Feared. The two bosses share a health pool, and players must defeat both of them to progress through the raid. Here is a general strategy for the Restless Cabal encounter:
Phase 1:
- The two bosses will start the fight separated by a large gap in the middle of the room.
- Players should split into two groups and position themselves on either side of the room, with one group focusing on Zaxasj and the other group focusing on Fa’thuul.
- Both bosses will periodically cast a debuff on the players that deals damage over time, so players should be prepared to rotate out of their groups to let the debuff expire.
- Zaxasj will periodically cast Void Crash, which will create a circle of void energy that players need to avoid.
- Fa’thuul will periodically cast Shadow-Piercing Gaze, which will target a random player and deal damage to them and any other players in a line between them and the boss.
- When both bosses reach 40% health, they will enter Phase 2.
Phase 2:
- The two bosses will move closer together and become immune to damage.
- They will periodically summon adds, which players need to kill while avoiding the bosses’ other abilities.
- Zaxasj will periodically cast Collapse, which will cause the room to start collapsing in on itself. Players need to move to safe zones on the edges of the room to avoid taking damage.
- Fa’thuul will periodically cast Empowerment, which will empower the adds and make them more difficult to kill.
- Once all the adds have been killed, the bosses will become vulnerable again and return to Phase 1.
Repeat Phase 1 and Phase 2 until the bosses are defeated.
Some additional tips:
- Make sure to interrupt the bosses’ casts whenever possible.
- Keep an eye out for the collapsing room and move to safe zones as quickly as possible.
- Use defensive cooldowns during periods of high damage.
- Assign a raid leader or officer to call out which boss to focus on during Phase 1.
- Prioritize killing the empowered adds during Phase 2.
Uu’nat: Strategy
Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void, is the final boss encounter in the Crucible of Storms guide raid, and it is a challenging fight that requires coordination and teamwork to overcome. Here is a general strategy for the Uu’nat encounter:
Phase 1:
- The encounter begins with a short cutscene, after which Uu’nat will become active.
- Uu’nat will periodically cast Void Lash, which will target a random player and deal damage to them and any other players within 8 yards.
- Uu’nat will periodically cast Embrace of the Void, which will target a random player and create a circle of void energy around them. Players need to move away from the circle to avoid taking damage.
- Uu’nat will periodically summon tentacles, which players need to kill while avoiding the boss’s other abilities.
- Players should also watch out for Oblivion Tear, which will target a random player and deal damage to them and any other players within 5 yards. Players should spread out to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
- Once Uu’nat reaches 70% health, the phase will end.
Phase 2:
- Uu’nat will become immune to damage and will summon four pillars of power around the room.
- Each pillar will have a different buff that players can gain by standing within its circle of power. The buffs are:
- Power of the Moon: Increases damage dealt by 100% and healing done by 50%.
- Power of the Tides: Increases movement speed by 50% and reduces damage taken by 50%.
- Power of the Storm: Increases critical strike chance by 100% and reduces cooldowns by 50%.
- Power of the Squall: Increases haste by 100% and reduces cast time by 50%.
- Players need to split into groups and coordinate which buff to take, depending on their role in the raid. For example, tanks and healers may want to take the Power of the Tides buff for extra survivability, while damage dealers may want to take the Power of the Moon buff for extra damage.
- Once all four pillars have been activated, the phase will end.
Phase 3:
- Uu’nat will become active again, and the fight will continue as in Phase 1.
- However, Uu’nat will now periodically summon a Void Orb, which will target a random player and follow them around the room. Players need to avoid the orb and make sure it does not come into contact with other players.
- Uu’nat will also periodically cast Unstable Resonance, which will target a random player and deal damage to them and any other players within 10 yards. Players need to spread out to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
- Once Uu’nat reaches 40% health, the phase will end.
Phase 4:
- Uu’nat will become immune to damage again and will summon four more pillars of power around the room, each with the same buffs as before.
- Players need to activate the pillars again and continue the fight as in Phase 1 and 3.
- Once Uu’nat reaches 10% health, the final phase will begin.
Final Phase:
- Uu’nat will become active again and will use all of its abilities from the previous phases.
- Players need to continue avoiding the Void Orb and spreading out to avoid Unstable Resonance.
- Once Uu’nat is defeated, the encounter will end.
Some additional tips:
- Use defensive cooldowns during periods of high damage.
- Assign players to specific roles, such as tentacle killers or Void Orb handlers.
- Make sure to communicate with your group about which buffs to take during Phase
Types Of Loot in Crucible of Storms
There are various types of loot that players can obtain in the Crucible of Storms guide raid in World of Warcraft. Here are the different types of loot available in the raid:
- Armour: The most common type of loot that players can obtain from boss encounters in the raid is armour. This includes items like helms, shoulders, chests, gloves, pants, and boots. These pieces of armour can come in different qualities, ranging from uncommon (green) to legendary (orange).
- Weapons: Players can also obtain weapons from boss encounters in the raid, such as swords, maces, axes, and more. Like armour, weapons can come in different qualities and have different stats and effects.
- Trinkets: Trinkets are special items that provide unique effects or bonuses when used. Players can obtain trinkets from boss encounters in the raid, which can provide various benefits such as increased damage or healing, reduced cooldowns, or other useful effects.
- Azerite gear: Azerite gear is a special type of armour that was introduced in World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth expansion. These items have special traits that provide unique bonuses when equipped, and players can obtain Azerite gear from boss encounters in the raid.
- Mounts and pets: In addition to armour, weapons, and other gear, players can also obtain mounts and pets from boss encounters in the raid. These items are typically rarer than other types of loot and can be highly sought after by collectors.
- Achievements: Completing certain objectives in the raid can also award players with achievements, which can provide various rewards such as titles or cosmetic items.
Overall, there are many different types of loot that players can obtain in the Crucible of Storms raid, making it a rewarding and exciting experience for World of Warcraft players.