Guiding Bolt 5e D&D Guide [2023]
![Guiding Bolt 5e D&D Guide [2023]](
Guiding bolt 5e – Guiding Bolt is the traditional cleric support spell, doing damage and giving friends an edge in battle. It’s one of the most underappreciated spells with some of the most strategic value. On page 248 of The Players Handbook, you’ll find the guidelines for playing guiding bolt 5e.
First-Level Evocation Guidance for Bolt 5e
Time to Cast: 1 Step
Height of 120 Feet
V, S, the Parts
1 round’s worth of time
Your chosen creature within range will be the target of a blinding burst of light. Cast a spell at far range and strike the target.
A successful hit does 4d6 radiant damage and grants an advantage on the next roll against the target until the end of your next turn due to the faint magical light shimmering on the target.
If you use a spell slot of level 2 or above to cast this spell, its damage will increase by 1d6 for every slot above 1st.
We can learn a few things from the guiding bolt 5e. This combat spell does decent damage for a spell of its level and may be upgraded. This spell is useful offensively and as a support spell since it increases an ally’s chance to hit.
Is It Good to Guide Bolt?
The damage dealt by a level 1 guiding bolt 5e is 4d6; hence effective. Because it may be recast as the character level increases, it retains its usefulness even as the character develops. Combined with a rogue’s sneak attack or a melee ally’s harsh criticism, the advantage gained on the next strike on the victim may be devastating. Adding to that, it can also do radiant damage.
However, there are drawbacks to using Guiding Bolt. Casting it consumes a healing spell slot since it is primarily a cleric spell. The second problem is that it can only be attacked with a distance spell. Agility is often lower on a cleric’s priority list than knowledge and strength. The standard cleric build prioritizes armor to increase their AC.
Quick Tip
After the publication of different canonical materials, the Glory Paladin, Celestial Warlock, Divine Soul Sorcerer, and the Boros Guild (Ravnica) now have access to the spell Guiding Bolt, previously exclusively accessible to clerics.
Only some spells, even at higher levels, can compete with Guiding Bolt. Radiant damage is high and can be blocked by only the most resilient targets. A cleric’s single casting of this spell has the potential to alter the course of a battle completely.
Does Bolt Need to Be Seen to Be Guided?
Any target within the spell’s range may be hit by it; “a target that you can see” is not a requirement. The rules for attacking states that assault invisible or dark targets are at a disadvantage.
This limits your ability to shoot from behind the cover or around corners. The spell still needs a line of sight to work.
The most significant chance a cleric has for landing a knockout strike, or at least setting up a knockout punch, is through a guiding bolt. It does a lot of damage and may be used to finish out a particularly stubborn foe.
Another theory holds that a surviving foe helps the next assault succeed by offering advantages. Casting the spell after a fight is crucial since it consumes a healing spell slot that might otherwise be used to restore health.
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Bolt, Your Guide: Combat-Ready and Designed to Help
The independent damage output of guiding bolt 5e has been discussed. Making the spell more effective in battle is a great way to improve it.
Avoid wasting it on low-level minions and utilize it where it will do the most good. Instead, target the main villain with the spell if they appear.
A DM is unlikely to provide a boss that can be easily defeated with a single cast of this spell. This indicates that you want to use your spell in a supportive role. Check the initiative to help your allies deal the most damage possible.
It may take some forethought and preparation, but the results of the guiding light cast will be well worth it. Cast the spell when the paladin can smite the foe, or the rogue can launch a surprise attack for maximum effect.
The advantage of the attack is provided at the basic casting level of the spell. Therefore there may be no need to up-cast the spell if this is the intention.
One may argue that Guiding Bolt should never be promoted. A critical strike with a spell-like Guiding Bolt does 8d6 damage. That’s the magical equivalent of hurling a fireball. Additionally, there is a bonus.
Quick Tip
You should wait to act if the initiative order is going against you. You may now control the timing of the spell’s activation in this way. An assault from the adversary, for example, may set it off.
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Last Words
All classes can prepare a guiding bolt 5e. The spell does both harm and assist effectively, which is unusual. It can be cast at level one and has infinite up-casting levels.
It’s disheartening when the attempt fails, but the reward is always worth it. Clerics have access to a wide variety of domains, making them one of the most flexible classes in the game.
Spells like Guiding Bolt clarify that you can be more than simply a healer now.