Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to Evolve Sandygast

The newest releases of the Pokemon series are Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. One of the rare Pokemon that has attracted the attention of players across the globe is Sandygast. This article will show you how to evolve Sandygast in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Who is Sandygast?
Sandygast is a Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon that debuted in Generation VII. Also known as the Sand Heap Pokemon, it has sand manipulation ability and an unusual evolution process.
How to Catch Sandygast
To evolve Sandygast, you need to catch one first. Sandygast is normally found in sandy regions or beaches. Be sure to stock up on Pokeballs before you go hunting.
How to Evolve Sandygast
Sandygast is a Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon that evolves into Palossand at level 42. Here are the steps to evolve Sandygast:
- Catch a Sandygast: Sandygast can typically be found in sandy areas or beaches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- Train Sandygast: Train your Sandygast and gain experience through battles to reach level 42. You can also use EXP candies to boost Sandygast’s level.
- Evolve into Palossand: Once sandygast evolution level 42, it will automatically evolve into Palossand.
Sandygast Evolution into Palossand
Sandygast becomes Palossand at level 42. This implies that you have to level up your Sandygast and gain experience through battles to arrive at this point.
Tips for Training Sandygast
Here are some tips to help you train Sandygast:
- Let Sandygast fight Pokemon that it has a type advantage over to gain more experience points.
- If EXP candies are available, use them to increase Sandygast’s level.
- Try to keep Sandygast in your party to reap the benefits of shared experience points.
Some questions
What are the characteristics of Sandygast as a Pokemon, and why is it special?
Sandygast is a Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon from Generation VII. It is called the Sand Pokemon due to its ability to control sand. It also has a distinctive evolution method, and this makes it more popular among players.
Where can I find Sandygast in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and what is the necessary preparation for catching it?
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, sandygast typically inhabits places such as the beach or other areas with lots of sand. Before heading out to catch Sandygast, it is a good idea to stock up on Pokeballs. In addition, having a Pokemon which can put Sandygast to sleep or paralyze it increases the chances of catching this pokémon.
What Pokemon does Sandygast evolve at and into?
After level 42, Sandygast evolves into Palossand. Just like Sandygast, Palossand is a Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon but much more advanced in stats and capabilities. When Sandygast attains the necessary level, this evolution proceeds automatically.
How to evolve sandygast and make it efficient so it gets level 42 faster?
A few strategies are applied in training Sandygast effectively. First, fight using Sandygast against Pokemon it has an advantage over to score additional EXP. Second, if you have candies, these can be used to increase the level of Sandygast quickly. Finally, always have Sandygast on your team to gain shared battle experience points, even when it is not the active Pokemon of choice.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, evolving Sandygast is a simple task. You will soon have a very powerful Palossand in your team with patience and the right approach.