SACRED TEAR ELDEN RING – The ability to improve the potency of both your Crimson & Cerulean Flasks, which is crucial as you start growing your HP and mana, makes the Sacred Tear Elden Ring essential for going through the game. As a souls-like game with a reputation for being challenging, Elden Ring, gaining as much recovery as possible is crucial for the more difficult bouts. Check out our list of sacred tear locations and elden ring places now.
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Sacred Tears of Elden Ring:
Sacred Tear #1 of Mulgrave: Third Church at Marika
The Third Church of Marika is the location of the first Sacred Tear. Follow the way east, starting at the Limgrave Gatefront Ruins. Take the eastern road after crossing the bridge where the road splits. Up until the river’s bend, follow this. There is a church that has a huge statue outside. You can find a sacred Tear near the statue’s base by entering the 3rd Church of Marika.
Limgrave Sacred Tear #2: Church of Pilgrimage
We’ve got to get over to Weeping the Peninsula for the subsequent three Sacred Tears. The Catholic Church of Sacrifice is located on the island’s northernmost point. Here, beneath a sizable statue, is the location of the Sacred Tear.
Limgrave Sacred Tear #3: Fourth Church of Marika
Another Sacred Tear equals another Church of Marika. Near the Church of Sacrifice, turn southwest to locate this one. Before crossing the 4th Church of Marika above a cliff, you will pass by several ruins and an ever-goal. The Sacred Tear can be found around the statue once more.
Callu Baptismal Church, Limgrave Sacred Tear No. 4
The greatest place to start for this one is the Morne Ramparts, the website of Grace, which is close to the Weeping Peninsula’s middle. Ailing Village is located up the hill. The Callu Baptismal Church is located immediately east of the settlement. The Sacred Tear is at the statue; take care of the rat infestation first.
Considering purchasing new equipment? Observe the Elden Ring Smithing Stone.
Sacred Tear No. 1 of Liurnia: Church of Irith
If you’re not careful, your initial move in Liurnia might involve passing straight by a Sacred Tear. You may discover the Church of Irith by turning around a corner of the castle & heading southwest through the Lake-Facing Cliffs, the website of Grace. There is a statue of the Sacred Tear, much like in many churches.
Liurnia Sacred Tear #2: Bellum Church
Northern Liurnia is home to Bellum Church. Off the road leading from Raya Lucaria towards the Grand Lift at Dectus, you can locate it on the left. After crossing the bridge, turn left through the vegetation just before you come under artillery fire to reach the chapel close to the cliff.
The hardest decision you have to make is your first one. Check out the greatest Elden Ring Keepsakes to choose from in the early going for some guidance.
It’s extremely challenging to access this Tear. You must first navigate the armament above to reach the most significant Lift of Dectus. From there, ascend the hill to the south. The Frenzied Flames Village, which is as charming as it sounds, will be reached by using this. This area is filled with adversaries and towers that can drive one insane. Have many heals prepared because the chaos will inevitably deplete your health bar.
Sacred Tear Locations Elden Ring<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> Great Runes constitute a potent weapon but require Rune Arcs to function. Check out Elden Ring Rune Arches for more information.
Sacred Tears of Elden Ring: Altus Plateau
From the junction of the Altus Highway, go north to discover the 2nd Church of Marika. Turn left off the road, descend the cliffs, and arrive at the chapel to obtain the Sacred Tear. When you reach the church, Eleonora, Purple Bloody Finger will infect you, so be cautious.
Stormcaller Church, Sacred Tear #2, Altus Plateau
As you reach the main gate of Leyndell, look up on the rock above, and you will see this church. The quickest route is to exit Leyndell’s outer wall at the northwest gate, hug the wall, and proceed south. You may find the Stormcaller Church by travelling southwest from the Rampartside Way site of Grace.
Morgoth, The Omen King, must be vanquished to reach the Mountaintops of a Giant. You may get advice on defeating him in our Elden Ring Morgott boss fight guide.
Sacred Tears: Mountaintops of the Giants by Elden Ring
Mountaintops among the Giants is situated east of the First Baptist Church of Marika. You will encounter a frozen river when you reach the region’s middle, following it to the eastern part to find the frozen lake. You can find the church and the Sacred Tear within by going to the farthest southern point of the lake.
Mountaintops Sacred Tear #2: Church of Repose
This one is located further into the area, shortly before the Flame Giant boss battle. You may reach Flame Peak by ascending through the mountains, passing the chapel along the route. Locate it by some huge rocks West of the Fire Giant combat entrance.
The game only contains those particular Elden Ring Sacred Tears. Please refer to our guide to Elden Ring Gold Seeds to learn how to continue to improve your flasks with extra charges.
In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about “SACRED TEAR ELDEN RING”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1) What is a sacred tear elden ring ?
Ans. You can improve your Sacred Flasks by using Sacred Tears, a consumable you can buy at places of grace. The HP and FP of your Flasks replenish rise for every Sacred Tear you use.
Q2) How to get sacred tear elden ring?
Ans. The Weeping Peninsula and Limgrave both contain four Sacred Tears. They can be found in the Callu Baptismal Church, Church of Pilgrimage, Third Church of Marika, and Fourth Church of Marika.
Q3) Where to get a sacred tear Elden ring?
Ans. Mountaintops of the Giants Golden Seed locations, according to Elden Ring
Five Golden Seeds can be discovered in the Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs, Giant Skull, Foot of a Forge, Freezing Lake & Ordina, and Liturgical Town of the Giants’ Mountaintops.