Save Files for The Sims 4 That Will Give You More Options

Sims 4 save files – It takes an absurd amount of time for me to construct my environment, and the latest Sims packs are very lacking in material. From the very beginning, I wish to play in a lush, gorgeous universe! Let’s discuss everything you should know about Sims 4 save files.
The saved file by SweetieWright
These Sims 4 save files are just mind-blowing! My favourite constructions in this save file are located in Willow Creek, therefore I had to include a photo of it. Beautiful, regal-looking building in pure white. The Snowy Escape expansion pack has updated all of the worlds. You may choose the save file that best suits your play style—it comes in both filled and unpopulated versions.
Exclusively for The Sims 4
The new lots included with this save file are imaginative and complement every planet’s style well. Every time a new pack is released, the save gets updated. Personally, I would have liked it if it had more Sims on each planet, but that’s just me. You may customise this save file to fit your needs by making and placing your own families.
The RatBoySims RatSave 1.1
This is it if you’re looking for a save file that will add new townies or Sims to your game. The game’s 200+ new Sims have wildly varied appearances and personalities.
The constructions are stunning and fascinating, too. Using this sims 4 save files, you will never be bored. Willow Creek and Magnolia Promenade have been redesigned in RatSave 1.2, which is now available with improved builds.
File for Simsie’s Starter by LilSimsie
Videos from lilsimsie had me completely enthralled. In addition to being a master constructor, her material is always hilarious.
I’ll always have a soft spot for sims 4 save files as it was among the very first I ever viewed and downloaded. Since Eco Living, she has neglected to update it, unfortunately. But if you want to add some variety to your townies and refresh your communal lots, it’s still a good save file.
An Archive File for SimLicy
What a fantastic constructor SimLicy is! The quality of her constructions is really mind-blowing. I must say, her world is among my most beloved play areas. I always use her save file when I start a new game.
She has updated the townies and added new Sims to each planet, and the structures are a wonderful match. You may consider this a top-tier Sims 4 save file. Download it now! She is really imaginative, which is why she is a favourite of mine among the sims 4 save files. The most recent edition of SimLicy is out, and I couldn’t be happier to tell you about it. After seeing her videos, I felt something was coming soon, so I patiently waited.
The stunning new buildings are the most noticeable change from the previous save file to this one. To find out how to set it up and what’s new, watch her video on YouTube, which I’ve included up above. Pardon me while I immerse myself in this brand-fresh save file for the next two days without stopping.
Save File 2.0 for The Sims 4 by Aveline
The Sims 4 constructions are Aveline’s speciality as a YouTuber. Big, impressive buildings abound in this save file, as one could anticipate. This save file seems to simply contain the original game, which is fantastic news for those who can’t afford to purchase all of the expansion packs!
The Sims 4 Plumbella Save Game
Well, hello there, chickens! One of my favourite Sims YouTubers is Plumbella, TBH. New constructions and families abound in her save file since it has been upgraded throughout Discover University.
What I like most is how she made an effort, as you will see, to make each neighbourhood seem unified. Also, you shouldn’t miss Oasis Springs’s brand-new park. It’s very remarkable! NEWS FLASH: Plumbella has dropped a fresh new save file. The download link is included in the video’s description below on her YouTube page.
Transfer File from Plumbsz to Lavender Dreams Sims
So many awesome lots are in this The Sims 4 save file! They were the centre of my universe. In Newcrest, for instance, you may discover a beautiful café with a basketball court, a splash park, and the “planet sixam” arcade.
To be honest, I never would have considered constructing or placing such lots. You won’t see this feature very often since it’s new, but the save file also includes terrain editing in the builds.
In my view, the one drawback of this save file is the lack of fresh townies. New Sims with interesting histories that I didn’t make are so much of a pleasure to play with. However, this save file is ideal if you like to populate the towns manually.
Nusantara Simmer’s Rustic Brindelton Safe Deposit Box
Due to its jaw-dropping beauty, I felt compelled to include this save file in the compilation. All the best things about autumn are captured in this save file, which transports you to a refurbished and cosy Brindelton Bay.
Every one of the world’s unique neighbourhoods is a great match for the buildings. A brand-new resort and spa are also available for your Sims to enjoy. I love it!
The Save File for Simlush’s All Packs
Thanks to Snowy Escape, much new content has been added to this The Sims 4 save file. There are 163 newly constructed homes, 69 refurbished homes, and 65 new families, according to Simlush. Additionally, every single townie has received a new look.
Everything about the Magnolia Promenade buildings is beautiful. The all-brick structures are very attractive and harmonious with their surroundings. The revitalised Myshuno Meadows park is another must-visit. A lovely wedding lot was created out of it!
The Fleuralia Save File, Version 2.0
Some really neat features are available in the Fleuralia save file. The Willow Creek Cathedral must be mentioned first. What a sensation! The developer recreated the Sims 3 events over four more park lots. As a result, following this:
All of them came out beautifully, and I thought it was really inventive. In addition, Snowy Escape has updated this save file thus far! The link to the new Fleuralia Save File, version 4.0, is below!
Save File Version 2 for Dizzy Isy by Islerouxsims
The idea that every planet has its unique theme that all the buildings revolve around piqued my curiosity in this save file. For instance, you’ll mostly see pastel pink buildings in Willow Creek and yellow ones in Newcrest. It results in a very unified style.
The addition of so many additional families is my favourite feature of this save file. They have plots and everything! All of the hidden lots on Mount Komorebi have been added to this save file using Snowy Escape.
Updated for The Sims 4’s newest Cottage Living expansion pack, this popular save file has a revamped Henford on Bagley and brand new families and plotlines. In addition to the novel and interesting features detailed on the download page, it is accessible via the link below.
As promised, here is the latest version of this Sims 4 save file! The primary goal of this update was to modernise the Tartosa universe and all of the Wedding Stories-related gameplay. Not to mention many new and improved features, like personalised holidays, job titles, and backstory, as well as several repairs from earlier save file versions.
File Saver by Jenba for Maristella Plus
We must pause for a minute to recognise the breathtaking beauty of our planet. I am in awe at the constructions. My new favourite would be Jenba’s release of a save file with all of the revised worlds. I want it to happen so much. It was once known as Oasis Springs, but now it goes by Maristella. Not only do new Sims appear in this planet, but there are also very complex and beautiful buildings. I really love this!
By fishy12233, The Authentic Fishy Save File
This is a copy of the Sims 4 main save file that includes the Oasis Springs, Willow Creek, and Newcrest environments. I love how intricate and entertaining the structures are. Discovering all of their secrets was a delight. All new families, including several fan favourites from The Sims2, are included in this save file!
Save File from Deligracy’s Newcrest
Deligracy was one of the first Sims YouTubers. You can see that building is her forte from her Newcrest save file. Newcrest is now entirely her creation, with all the houses and lots sold and occupied by families with interesting histories.
The New Pleasantview Version 2.0 of Bunni’s Save File
Willow Creek and Newcrest are the main foci of this entertaining save file. As a nod to The Sims 2, New Pleasantview has replaced Newcrest. I wholeheartedly support it as a fan of The Sims 2. The park’s work-it-out facility was outstanding. Impressive work!
Free Basegame Save File – JQ Base Save 1.0 – CC
If you’re using a low-end PC, this save file is ideal since it contains just the main game and no CC or modifications. There are either brand-new or recently refurbished homes in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and Newcrest. There aren’t any new Sims in it, but the EA Sims get new clothing for hot and cold conditions and new professions.
Save File by msfrankenstein910 – Windokio – The Sims 4 with an Asian Twist
Because of its rarity, I felt compelled to include this save file in the compilation. Windenburg, Willow Creek, and Brindleton Bay are all known for their Asian-style architecture. This is a fantastic choice if you need a themed save file for narratives or movies.
File Saved by MSQ Sims in Willow Creek
Epic constructions abound in this Willow Creek save the file. Big and one-of-a-kind, they are really gigantic. The residential lots on Amsterdam Street and the retail centre are must-sees! Plus, the save file has all new Sims housed, so boredom won’t last long.
A Sims 4 Save File Inspired by The Sims 2 by Athena
I still consider The Sims 2 to be the best Sims game ever. Those backstories were crucial. The Pleasantview drama captivated me (even though I was only eight years old, haha).
This save file transfers the infamous Sims family from The Sims 2 to The Sims 4. You must download this save file if you are a fan of The Sims 2. The connections between each other have been introduced, for example, the lovely sisters are dating the broke and dreamer sons.
Tomi Lyn’s The Disney Rescue (Willow Creek)
This save file has the most enchanting builds ever. The combination of grand mansions and charming cottages gives it a somewhat “Disney” vibe. Willow Creek is home to 18 intricate Disney Sims, each with their own unique set of abilities, hobbies, pets, professions, occult practices, and more. Also, there are eleven additional Disney townhouses! The Sims fans who like playing in themed worlds may find this save file to be ideal.
File Saved by Another Plumbob from Uberhood
This new save file is something I can’t wait to show you! I have something special in store for you if you share my ardent devotion to The Sims 2. If you’re looking for a great Sims 2 to Sims 4 save file, look no further!
The developer has faithfully reproduced several beloved Sims 2 neighbourhoods, such as Veronaville, Pleasantview, Bluewater Promenade, and countless more! The Calientes’ and Don’s residences have been on my mind nonstop. Stunningly gorgeous and faithful to the characters, they are a work of art.
If you’re seeking for a fun task to perform, you’ll discover gaming rules beside this save file. Additionally, you can get a list of seventy-five or more Sims 4 challenges here. You can find all the specifics on the download page. I highly recommend giving this one a try!
File Saved by TinycowPlant: Little Root
New townie families, residential lots, and communal lots are all part of this save file. It warms my heart to see that every single family in town has a job, talent, and personal connections. We need a Sims 4 game that feels completely fresh, and this one delivers! The Williams family in Willow Creek is my favourite; therefore, you should definitely visit them and look at this saved file.
File Transfer from The Sims 2 to The Sims 4 (Every World!) by goldfi2h
I felt compelled to publish it due to its absolutely remarkable quality. All of the Sims and their environments from The Sims 2 are here.
Is that insane? The creator must have spent a considerable amount of time on it. After a little period of experimentation, I found that this was frighteningly true in my game. Playing The Sims 2 took me right back to my childhood when I was eight years old.
Willow Creek Save Game for The Sims 4 created by Devon Bumpkin
You may recognise the name Devon Bumpkin from their Sims 4 build videos on YouTube; they’re an amazing builder. Well, Devon has just made available a Willow Creek save file, which has brand new families in Willow Creek as well as breathtaking new homes.
If you’re interested in seeing additional footage of the builds, you can find them on the YouTube channel. It’s a fantastic save file that you should play in.
Save File for Aurora Sims 4 by Baembee
This save file has really blown my mind, you guys. It’s one of a kind, and it’s brimming with gorgeous, modern structures and plenty all around the globe. The constructions at Oasis Springs in particular. Witnessing them firsthand is essential. In fact, there is a gigantic stadium. This save file will undoubtedly allow you to generate entertaining and engaging plots!
Save File 1.0 for MSR Sims 4 created by misssimreno
I can’t get enough of this save file, and the townies’ new looks are the major attraction. It seems like everyone is looking really great. A. LOT. GREATER.
Moreover, you’ll find fresh family profiles, community lots, and all the other elements necessary to create original Sims 4 gameplay! Keep an eye out for changes to this save file if you like it; it is meant to be updated often.
Launcher for The Sims 4 by SublimeSims
All prefabricated families have been updated, and almost every lot has been remodelled. Additionally, we have included BRAND NEW households with skills, occupations, and relationships. There are a tonne of brand-new community lots that add to the pleasure, such a pumpkin patch in Brindleton Bay and a roller rink in Oasis Springs. That is very adorable!
World Save Files for The Sims 4 Reimagined by MikkiMur
MikkiMur makes meticulously designed Sims 4 save files that add additional houses and neighbourhoods to The Sims 4’s environments.
Even though most are only accessible via Patreon, I’ve included the Oasis Springs save file here for your free download! You also have the option to download the new lots separately if you choose not to utilise the save file.
Mod-Enabled All-World Save File by Lustrousims
I am very amazed by this save file! Everything you need to get right in and have a blast is included. Download a genetics folder to give your Sims a whole new appearance, and we’ll even throw you a list of Sims 4 modifications that work with the save file!
This is the save file you need to download if you want to experience the brand new sims 4 save files gameplay. You may build Sims and community lots using any of the Sims packs, and this save file has all of the worlds.
Where can I get a save file for the empty world?
Download an empty world save for The Sims 4 from srsly sims if you want to start from square one while making your save file. Everything has been erased, including the lots and Sims. Including the newest Sims 4 world releases, including Henford-on-Bagley, Tartosa, Moonwood Mill, and Copperdale, this empty world save has been thoroughly updated.
From what I can tell, they are the top-notch Sims 4 save files available. If there are any more sims 4 save files you like playing with that I haven’t included, I would be very interested to hear about them. Post a comment or tag me on Tumblr (@musthavemods) if you want to talk about this.
Where is The Sims 4 available to play?
Starting on October 18, 2022, the basic game of The Sims 4 will be available for free download on all supported devices.
Is free will present in The Sims 4?
The Sims have some free will, allowing them to go about their daily lives even when the user isn’t directly seeing them, and players are free to manipulate them as they choose.
In case you are unaware, I have included some brief instructions on downloading and importing save files into your game. Feel free to ask any other concerns about sims 4 save files by commenting below.