Understanding the Different Types of Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders are the individuals who create the cheerful vibes during the event and any game with lots of cheerful vibes. But all the cheerleaders are not the same, and they have different roles during the events. There are different types of cheerleaders, and they are involved in different types of cheerleading activities, depending on their sector.
Whenever we hear the term cheerleader, we create an image that is of the group of girls dancing with a bunch of ribbons and cheer balls in hands. Young girls cheering, hollering the crowds, and jumping near the sidelines of the playground in the match is only the one type of cheerleader.
In this article, we are going to learn about different types of cheerleaders and their role during the event. Basically, there are four types of cheerleaders scholastic, all-stars, pro cheerleaders, and recreational. Read below to know more:
All-Stars Cheerleaders
All-Stars are the type of cheerleaders that are involved in boosting the vibes during gymnastics, cheerleading, and tumbling. The objective of all-stars cheerleaders is to stay dedicated and competitive during practice. This type of cheerleaders does not go for hollering during matches like baseball, basketball, football, or any other such sports. They also do not use any offense or defense cheering but do cheering for the competition, and it is known as competition cheers. All-star cheerleaders possess high skills and keenly concentrate on the competition. There are various types of coaches in the all-star cheerleaders like a choreographer, stunting, and tumbling coaches. Thus as a group or team, the all-stars cheerleaders consist of so many skilled girls with so many different skills. If you want to become a part of this group, you have to go through the rigorous process of selection from their gym cheerleading students.
Scholastic Cheerleaders
This is the type of cheerleaders that you may have mostly seen and familiar with. The Scholastic Cheerleaders are associated with cheerleading in schools, and they focus on cheering the sports events to boost the school spirit. Some scholastic cheerleaders also participate in the competition, but not all. Tryouts for Scholastic Cheerleaders are held every year in the school and held for so many days till everyone who wants to participate give their tries. To get selected as the scholastic cheerleader, you must have a good confident personality, leadership quality, good grades, and have good popularity in the school.
Recreation Cheerleaders
This type of cheerleader group is associated with the recreation department of the community, YWCA, or church and maybe sometimes associated with the National Recreational League like American Youth Football and Cheerleading League. These types of cheerleaders come in force when the numbers of girls sign up, and there are no tryouts held for the selection. If the recreational cheerleaders want to, they can also do cheerleading in sports and participate in the competition other than recreational program cheerleading. As the recreational cheerleaders are taught with the rules and fundamentals of hollering or cheerleading, they can become a good selection for all-star and scholastic cheerleading programs.
Pro Cheerleaders
Pro Cheerleaders are called Real Cheerleaders as they are associated with the entertainment cheerleading. They may appear to be more like dancers and entertainers than compared with other cheerleaders. The process of becoming a pro cheerleader includes a very tough and demanding process. There are even more participants than compared to other types of cheerleaders. However, the pro cheerleaders are paid with the little amount, and they have large opportunities to travel the world and opportunities to appear as the model for calendars and all.