How to Fix Uneven Muscle Growth in Bodybuilding?

Nothing is more frustrating than putting in effort and time training hard in the gym, and you end up with uneven muscle and a disproportionate body.
This is not very uncommon and can be corrected.
Once you have found muscle imbalance in your body, you need to start putting effort into correcting it. Let us learn how to correct uneven muscle growth and ensure balanced growth.
There are five strategies that you can use to correct uneven muscles.
- Begin with weaker muscle side
- Doing unilateral exercises
- Let the weak muscle side set the volume of the workout
- Put in more effort while training the weaker side
- Fix the problem that is underlying
Doing unilateral exercise
Mostly when one side has big muscles, it is often the dominant side of your body. For instance, uneven biceps, the right bicep, will be stronger than the left. In this case, you should do an exercise where both the body sides work together and put in equal effort. This will not allow the dominant muscle to overpower, and both your body sides will work together.
Begin with weaker muscle side
You unconsciously end up favoring the dominant side of the body when working out because it makes it easier for you.
When doing the unilateral exercise, you might train the strongest body side unconsciously first. This is why you should start training with your weaker side first. This way, you will be able to correct the uneven muscle.
Let the weak muscle side set the volume of the workout
The weaker side will struggle to keep up with the dominant side of the body, and this may make the imbalance even worse. When you start the training with your weaker side first, you let the weaker side of the body decide the volume of the workout, and this way, you stop the dominant side from outworking.
Put in more effort while training the weaker side
You sometimes end up creating proportional muscle imbalance in your body by favoring some body parts over the others.
This is a very common reason for uneven muscle growth. You end up focusing on the pressing chest movements more instead of pulling the back m0vements. You might be spending more time to train your upper body and focus less on the lower body, and this might be giving you the chicken legs.
To fix this, you can do two things:
- Increase the volume and extra work for the body part that is undertrained. You can also add a few extra exercises to your can also reduce the volume of workout on the dominant body part to maintain a balance in your physique.
- Increase the training load when working on the weaker body part.
Fix the problem that is underlying
It is important to try methods to fix the muscle imbalance in your body, and it is equally important to understand the cause of it. Understand the underlying concern. Is it the bad workout technique; you are not focused, you are struggling with flexibility. It could be any cause. After you have identified the problem, you can then work on mobility and flexibility to ensure muscle imbalance does not occur again.